School Improvements

We are committed to raising ambition and achievement for Nottingham City children.

These documents support the commitment of the Local Authority to raising attainment in schools.

DfE Principles for a clear and simple accountability system

This statement sets out high-level principles for how the accountability system for educational performance will operate, and how the different actors fit within it. We will work through the detail of how this is implemented with the sector by Autumn.

Principles for a clear and simple accountability system

School Improvement Strategy

This Strategy sets out Nottingham City Council’s strategic vision for education in the City
and our key priorities for the school years 2014 – 2017.

Download School Improvement Strategy (the strategy is in the process of review)

Schools Causing Concern and Statutory Intervention Policy

This document specifically addresses the LA’s role in support and challenge for Schools
Causing Concern (SCC). At the heart of our approach is a three tiered model of:

  • Identification
  • Prevention
  • Intervention

It is our intention, that by working collaboratively and through early identification of problems or concerns, we can provide, broker or facilitate the support necessary to ensure either the prevention of a problem occurring or to resolve difficulties with the minimum of intervention.

Download Schools Causing Concern and Statutory Intervention Policy

Schools causing concern: Intervening in failing, underperforming and coasting schools - Guidance for local authorities and RSCs March 2016

This version of the Schools Causing Concern guidance reflects that the Education and Adoption Act 2016 has introduced new intervention powers for the Secretary of State and extended the types of maintained schools that are eligible for intervention to include coasting schools. These new intervention powers for the Secretary of State will be exercised by Regional Schools Commissioners (RSCs), and RSCs will be expected to follow this guidance in exercising those powers. Therefore, for this guidance, the RSC will generally be referred to as using the described powers.

Download DfE Guidance - Schools Causing Concern

The National Schools Commissioner and Regional Schools Commissioners work with school leaders to take action in underperforming schools:

Regional Schools Commissioner for East Midlands and the Humber, Jennifer Bexon-Smith:

Education Improvement Board: Ambition 2025

‘Ambition 2025’ aims to provide a coherent 10 year programme for the renewal of educational
provision in Nottingham. The key goal of Ambition 2025 is to ensure we support, nurture and develop the talents and aspirations of our young people.

Download Education Improvement Board: Ambition 2025
