Education Governance

Education Governance Services

Delivering professional clerking services, advice and support, governor training, including bespoke training and development provision, investigation services and consultancy to governing boards and trustee boards in schools, free schools, pupil referral units, academies and multi academy trusts.

Our Services

Please note governor meetings are available on a virtual platform.  All training sessions are held on a virtual platform.

Professional clerking of full governing board meetings, committee meetings, special meetings, disciplinary hearings and grievance hearings;

  • Business support – preparation and delivery of meeting papers, membership management and GovernorHub maintenance;
  • Advice and support;
  • Consultancy including reviews of governance;
  • Investigation services;
  • Governor training and development, including bespoke in-house training.


We offer a complimentary subscription to GovernorHub for all governing boards. This is an easily accessible online toolkit, which meets all your governing board needs:-

  • Communication (governing board notice board);
  • Documentation store (access meeting paper, reports, policies and archived papers);
  • Events calendar;
  • Book training online.


  • Name: Rachael Harvey
  • Title: Education Governance Service Manager
  • Service: Education Governance, Children and Families
  • Tel: 0115 8764589
  • Email: