Major Projects
Education Services Nottingham: for Maintained Schools only for 2023-24
Project Management Services – Major Projects
The Nottingham City Council’s Major Projects team has extensive experience in supporting schools with a range of building activities and projects, from fixing leaking roofs and replacing boilers to expanding existing buildings or building new schools to meet demand for places.
Our focus is on delivering what you need to make school buildings work for you, bringing together information about the building and linking this to education.
Our Services include:
- Space analysis: an independent reviews of your buildings and how effectively these meet educational need, acting as a critical friend by challenging the efficiency of spaces to ensure maximum efficiency and offering ideas to resolve issues. This might include identifying shortfalls of space to support bids for additional funding.
- Strategic planning: Support in strategic planning and prioritisation of works to maintain or improve the condition of your buildings.
- Client project management: Support to manage new projects from start to finish; helping you decide what you need, ensuring you meet your legal duties, supporting you to procure and manage contracts and leading the construction of works within agreed budgets and timeframes.
- Bid development: including writing business cases, undertaking feasibility studies and submitting applications to apply for capital funding.
We are a specialist team that understand schools and work on your behalf, bringing in a wealth of experience and innovative ideas. We actively research, benchmark, review regulations and learn about best practice to ensure you get value for money, whether you are trying to make the most of what you have or developing a project. We offer a range of services that reflect your unique circumstances and act as a critical friend to ensure that your school building works effectively for you.
Rob Caswell
E- mail:
Tel: 07984 165 188
Sarah White
Tel: 07712 410 660