Pest Control for NST Schools

NCC Building Services - Pest Control 2022/23

Service Overview:

NCC’s Pest Control service can be accessed by NST schools on a reactive basis for the pests listed below. Our officers are fully trained, and the service is affiliated to the NPTA (National Pest Technicians Association).

Please note, we do not provide a service to Academy schools.


Our charges are £63.06 per visit for 2022-23. Most rodent issues will usually be resolved within 2-3 visits. Wasp treatments usually only require a single visit. 

Pest List:

  • Rats (inside and outside buildings)
  • Mice (inside buildings only)
  • Wasps (up to 1st floor level)


Our service can provide advice to NST schools, any informal enquiries for advice can be sent to

The BPCA (British Pest Control Association) website also contains a lot of useful information relating to various pest related issues:

BPCA website:


Reporting Problems:

Pest problems relating to the above pests can be reported to our service via the online form below:

NCC Building Services - Reactive Maintenance Form

Key contacts for the Pest Control Service

FM Contact Centre T: 0115 8764444


The maintenance form, along with a guide on how to complete it, is also accessible via Concerto’s log-in page:

NST schools should now have Concerto user accounts. If any NST school requires access to Concerto, please email the colleagues below:

Casey Lawson –

James Mitchell –