Display Energy Certificate
A Display Energy Certificate (DEC) is a legal requirement for any public building over 250m2. A qualified energy assessor must carry out the survey and produce the DEC.
If a building is over 1000m2 a DEC must be produced annually, and the accompanying advisory report is valid for 7 years. Where a building is between 250m2 and 1000m2 the DEC and advisory report are valid for 10 years. Failure to display a DEC can lead to a penalty of £500, and £1000 for failing to possess or have a valid advisory report In addition to these penalties, it will still be necessary to commission the documents, otherwise further offences will be committed.
This service is provided by Energy Services at Nottingham City Council, who have insourced this service with a team of highly qualified energy assessors, with experience of delivering over 3,000 energy compliance services throughout the United Kingdom.
The display energy certificate service is complemented by an advisory report that provides head teachers, governors and support staff with a survey about the energy efficiency opportunities for the school. The display energy certificate (DEC) and advisory report (AR - if required) will be issued by a qualified energy assessor.
Objectives of the service
The display energy certificate service will:
- Raise awareness for teachers, students and visitors of energy use and energy efficiency of the building
- Provide recommendations for improving the energy performance of the school (included in the AR)
- Provide a service by a qualified energy assessor
- Allow a lower price to obtain a DEC through the Council's own framework with no hidden costs with cheaper renewal costs
- Provide a direct contact point
Service Packages will include:
- Fully managed administration, (providing energy data, and property information to the assessors)
- Site visit by the fully qualified energy assessor
- Lodging the DEC on the official register UK Government Energy Certificate Register
- Issuing DEC & AR (if required) to the nominated building manager
- Ensure all renewals are undertaken as and when required to ensure compliance is upheld by the educational establishment
- Fully COVID-19 Health and Safety compliant surveys as approved by Trade Unions
Name: Jacob Dimes
Title: Energy Project Assessor
Email: jacob.dimes@nottinghamcity.gov.uk