Workplace Parking Charge
Notice - Changes to the WPC Scheme from 1/3/19
Due to the increasing deficit between the councils WPL liability and the revenue raised by the WPC scheme, it has been necessary to make changes to the WPC scheme to address the shortfall.
At the Appointments & Conditions of Service Committee (ACOS) meeting on 4th December 2018, the following recommendations were approved and will be implemented on 1st March 2019:
- The WPC Neighbourhood rate will increase from 0.78% of salary to 1.25% of salary for all pay bands
- The daily rate at all car parks in the neighbourhoods and schools will increase to £3 per day (currently £2 per day). The daily rate has not increased since its introduction in May 2012
Despite these increases, colleagues parking on Neighbourhood sites will still, on average, only pay about half the cost of the WPL to the council.
There will be no RPI increase to WPC scheme although the WPL increases by 3.19% on 1/4/19.
If you are a WPC member and wish to withdraw from the scheme, request your school admin team to inform the WPC team by email no later than Monday 25th February 2019
Information Sheets
For Head Teachers and Governors |
Parking Outside Schools - Displaced Parking |
For Colleagues |
Leaving the Workplace Parking Charge scheme |
WPC Forms
Rate Tables |
Non-teaching Staff Rate Tables - May 2019 |
Application Forms |
Workplace Parking Charge Application Form |
Log Book Forms for School Use |
Annual scheme log form |