Budget Plan

General Information

Schools are required to submit their budget plan to the LA by 22nd May 2020 (this has been extended due to the COVID-19 situation); this complies with the Fair Funding Scheme.

There are now 2 options:

  • Option 1 submitting the budget via the LA Web-based Budget Planner

This requires financial and narrative analysis supporting the assumptions in the web-based budget plan; it can also be used by Schools to develop their budgets from detailed base data and supports 3-5 year budget planning. The web-based budget plan is charged as part of Schools Finance support package in 2020-21. The Chair of Governors will be given a unique login to approve the submitted budget online following the Full Governing Body approval.

This requires significantly more narrative than Option 1 in supporting the assumptions underpinning the budget plan. This option cannot be used to develop the budget from your base data like Option 1. The Chair of Governors will need to sign the Header sheet following the Full Governing Body approval on the budget.