Hate crime
Hate crime is harassment motivated by the hatred of and/or prejudice towards another person because of their race, gender, colour, religion, disability, age, sexuality or subculture.
We don’t tolerate any form of harassment or hate crime, and we encourage people to report any hate crime that they experience or witness. Our Housing Patch Managers are trained to investigate reports of hate crime and to be supportive and sensitive to the needs of victims.
We take all complaints of hate crime seriously, and we investigate them thoroughly. We interview victims of hate crime somewhere safe within one working day of the crime being reported to us, and we agree an action plan with victims, explaining what will happen next and considering immediate legal action to protect victims.
We arrange for racist, hate-motivated or offensive graffiti to be removed within 24 hours.
We empower victims of hate crime to make informed choices by offering advice, information and support.
We work in partnership with other agencies and the police to ensure services and support are available to people suffering from hate crime.